Biegi w Szczawnicy 2020

from   2020-11-14    to   2020-11-15

8th edition of "Biegi w Szczawnicy". You may choose 1 of 6 distansces, from challenging your strength and speed 11 km to the longest one (96 km) that will test every skill you have in stock... 


November 14, 2020

  • Niepokorny Mnich (96 km) - additional registration from October 5, 18:00 o'clock // course is changed
  • Dziki Groń (64 km) - additional registration from October 5, 19:00 o'clock
  • Wielka Prehyba (43 km) - additional registration from October 5, 20:00 o'clock

November 15, 2020

  • New Course (32 km) - additional registration from October 6, 19:00 o'clock
  • Chyża Durbaszka (20 km) - additional registration from October 6, 20:00 o'clock
  • Hardy Rolling (11 km) - registration closed.

The comeptition is based on the terrain of Beskid Sądecki, Pieniny, and Gorce mountains.


Chyża Durbaszka

Start    2020-11-15    09:00:00

Limit    2020-11-15    16:00:00

    Registration finished.

Distance is close to halfmarathon. Fantastic route across a Reserve of White Water and along the mountain range of Pieniny. One big climb at the beginning and then just great…

Dziki Groń

Start    2020-11-14    05:00:00

Limit    2020-11-14    20:00:00

    Registration finished.

64 km and +3150 m of ascent. Very demanding route that leads you along touristic trails, some old routes of the border couriers from I and II World War and…

New course 32 km

Start    2020-11-15    06:00:00

Limit    2020-11-15    15:00:00

    Registration finished.

This course leads you to the high peak of Przehyba to the shelter and then down the most beautiful ridge on the south slopes of the mountain, to go up…

Niepokorny Mnich

Start    2020-11-14    02:00:00

Limit    2020-11-14    20:00:00

    Registration finished.

97 km and +4100 m of ascent. Very demanding course that leads you along touristic trails and some old routes of the border couriers from I and II World War.…

Wielka Prehyba

Start    2020-11-14    07:00:00

Limit    2020-11-14    18:00:00

    Registration finished.

Mountain marathon with almost 2000 m of positive elevation difference. Start and finish in Szczawnica. The route goes around Szczawnica along the mountain ranges of Beskid Sądecki and Pieniny. Distance:…